
Osie 24.4.0 release – Public API

We are thrilled to announce the release of Osie 24.4.0 which includes a Public API for the admin operations and a couple of other exciting features.

Osie Admin API

This is the first release of the Admin API. It can be used to build automations and integrations within your company buy using the RESTful API provided by Osie.

Please visit the API Docs to find out how to use it.

New features

  • Overwrite the auto-suspension configuration for individual Billing Profiles. This option gives you the ability to exempt a customer from the auto-suspension behaviour of the platform, or to simply change the auto-suspension flow just for them.
  • Fine-grained control of the Auto-Activation flow of the Billing Profiles. This feature gives you control over how new users can get access to your Cloud. You ca require them to deposit a minimum amount, save a card, or both.
    Please visit the Account Activation documentation to learn more about this option.
  • Added a few useful dataLayer events that can be used to track conversions in the marketing campaigns. See the Marketing events documentation.


  • The design of the HTML Email master template has been improved and it now displays better on all the devices. In a future release, we’re also planning to expose the code of this template to be entirely editable from the Admin.
  • You can now configure a dedicated Logo URL to be displayed in the Emails

Bug Fixes

  • The bootable volume size that’s auto-filled in the server creation page will reflect the accurate size based on the selected image size.
  • Fixed the regions selector in the network port creation page to properly display the available regions where a port can be created.
  • Fixed the issue where the “confirm resize” action was returning a “permission denied” error.
  • Fixed an issue where a server being resized was not reflected on the bill with the new size.


  • Upgrade. We recommend not using the --reuse-values option anymore when upgrading the helm release. Use the -f values.yaml option so that Helm will pick the new values changes that are introduced with the new chart releases.