
Osie 24.2.0 – new features & fixes

We’re excited to announce the release of osie.io version 24.2.0, an update that brings a couple of improvements along with some bug fixes to enhance user experience and system reliability.

New features & integrations

  • RazorPay Payment Gateway: Customers can now conveniently add funds to the platform using RazorPay, enhancing the overall functionality and user experience of the platform.
  • Save card details when adding funds for Stripe: Improve the process of payment by storing card details when customers add funds through Stripe. This enhancement ensures a better experience for users and simplifies future transactions.
  • Create volumes based on snapshots: Volume Snapshots can be used for creating volumes, allowing you to spin up new servers using these volumes.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Hardware pricing: Hardware pricing now includes the operating system image based on the price plan rules, further enhancing the accuracy.
  • Gnocchi metrics scraping: We improved how Gnocchi metrics are scraped for instance traffic, so that we also cover a very limited number of OpenStack deployments where Gnocchi isn’t able to process complex queries.
  • Fixed bucket lists browser: Objects buckets created outside of OSIE are now synchronized and included in the list.
  • Added zip code and state for WHMCS Customers: Introduced zip code and state for WHMCS customers, enhancing the invoice gateway functionality.
  • Improved suspension email template: Added the balance value to the suspension email.
  • Added support for port security: We now support port security for OpenStack ports.
  • Remove the upload objects limit for object storage: We removed 100Mb upload limits for object storage.
  • Fixed bank transfer reference number: Now the reference number from bank transfer requests are displayed properly.
  • Updated security group all ports meaning: Security group rules will display any instead of 0 which means all ports.
  • Allow IPv6 rules for security groups: The customers now can create security group rules with IPv6.