
Osie 24.1.0 – new features & fixes

In this release, we’ve made several additions to the Admin UI to make managing the customers in a better way.

We’re excited to announce the release of osie.io version 24.1.0, an update that brings new features and improvements to both our Client and Admin UIs, along with some bug fixes to enhance user experience and system reliability.

Admin features

  • Billing Profile Creation: Admins can now create billing profiles directly within the Admin UI. This functionality streamlines the process of managing billing information, making it more efficient and centralized.
  • OpenStack Project User Access Management: Expanded capabilities in managing user access on OpenStack projects. Admins now have the ability to add new users and remove existing users, offering enhanced control over project access and security.

Client UI enhancements

  • Ports – IP and MAC Address Display: Enhanced the Ports section to include the display of both IP and MAC addresses in the listing tables.
  • Billing Profile – Zip Code Field Added: Introduced a new field for entering a zip code in the Billing Profile section.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed noVNC Console SSL Issue: Addressed a critical bug where the noVNC console was not opening due to issues with untrusted SSL connections.
  • Corrected Price Estimation in UI: Resolved an issue where the price estimation was displayed incorrectly in the UI when ram_gb was utilized in the price rule. This correction ensures accurate pricing information, enhancing transparency and trust in our pricing model.
  • WHMCS integration: Fixed the invoices being generated as draft only. Now, the invoices generated in WHMCS will be marked as PAID automatically.