
Cloud Hosting Security: 4 Things You Don’t Know Yet

The cloud environment is not necessarily less secure than any other type of hosting. While it had some critics in the past due to virtualized technology, nowadays things have changed.

The cloud environment is not necessarily less secure than any other type of hosting. While it had some critics in the past due to virtualized technology, nowadays things have changed. Thanks to all improvements, your online business will be kept safe. Here’s what you should know about it!

1. How does cloud hosting security work?

Time has shown cloud technology started to get more traction, especially in the last few years. When you think about a classic server, you might imagine a physical computer where all the files are stored. On the other hand, cloud hosting is different — it could be considered a network of virtual or real servers to ensure better scalability. Since all the content is distributed, we can consider this an extra layer of security. The chances of facing a cyber threat are lower, but keep in mind not all providers are equal. It’s important to examine the characteristics in each package, because otherwise you will make a mistake.  

2. Are there neighbors that might affect your website?

A shared cloud involves multiple accounts under the same machine. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean everything is compromised or that you will get affected by others’ actions. On the contrary, companies invest a lot of money to come up with good isolation. Your data is safe and can’t be accessed by neighbors, so you won’t have to worry. It’s unlikely to get slowdowns, erors or penalties from search engines. The only exception is when you do something wrong.

3. Can you lose all the data?

Some businesses collect massive amounts of data to do research on customers, keep financial details safe or receive personal information due to the nature of the industry. Moving to the cloud is a smart idea in this scenario. Make sure you choose a private package to have more intimacy. But how about the risk of losing all the content? While this wouldn’t be impossible, you have multiple backups that minimize the issue. In other words, you’re covered from malwares or security threats.

4. How can you prevent vulnerabilities?

Cloud security is better than most people think, but you need to be aware of weak points. The most common problems are DDoS attacks. It’s difficult to stop them, unless you get a special firewall in the initial plan or choose a solution like SiteLock. Another possible event would be a data breach. Preventing one is possible by improving the user authentication process. Select a good password, along with 2-factor authentication to remain safe. 

What are the security benefits of cloud servers?

The first advantage is the fact you don’t experience downtime so easily. Even if a physical server will be attacked, your site will be loaded from a different source. Another reason to choose cloud hosting is website data mirroring. You improve redundancy because there are multiple versions of the content in different places.